Halloween Adapted Book: "Sammy Gets A Costume"

Halloween Adapted Book: "Sammy Gets A Costume"

This Halloween Adapted Book, "Sammy Gets A Costume," is a simple and fun story that focuses on basic matching and sequencing skills.

In this story, Halloween is here and Joe wants to find his dog Sammy the perfect costume.

Sample text:

"Sammy was a super dog.  He was wonderful at wagging, superb at sitting, and fantastic at fetch. On Halloween, Joe wanted to find him the perfect costume.

First he bought him a ladybug costume.  But it was too spotty. So he took it back.

Next he bought him a skeleton costume.  But it was too bony. So he took it back...."

With this activity, the teacher reads the books to students as students follow along and match a piece to each page.  At the end of the story, students will sequence the costumes in the order that Sammy wore them.

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