Fox Sentence Builder Book:  "What is Fox Doing?

Fox Sentence Builder Book: "What is Fox Doing?

This Fox Sentence Builder Book, "What Is Fox Doing?" focuses on identifying action words, building sentences, and sentence comprehension.

In a small group, the teacher or therapist reads the story as students follow along and match the correct action to each page. 

Sample Text:

"What is Fox doing? What can it be?
He's.... __________ (playing the flute) 
as we can plainly see"

After the students have worked through the book, students can practice building sentences with the sentence builder strips. Students will put three pictures together to form a complete sentence. (See photos for details)

There is also a sentence comprehension activity included. Students read the sentence (or a teacher reads it to them) and choose the picture that best illustrates the sentence.

Students working independently can complete any or all of the activities at a literacy center.
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