Sequencing Stories (Adapted Books For Practicing Sequencing)
These Sequencing Stories include two adapted books that provide students with lots of fun and hands-on practice for working on basic story sequencing skills. "Sweeney Gets A Costume," and "Sammy Gets A Costume," are fun and interactive Halloween themed stories.
In these stories, Halloween is here and Joe wants to find his pets, the perfect Halloween costumes.
Sample text:
"Sweeney was the sweetest cat. He was purrrfect at purring, superb at snuggling, and fantastic at being a furry friend. On Halloween, Joe wanted to find him the perfect costume.
First he bought him a flower costume. But it was too smelly. So he took it back.
Next he bought him a bunny costume. But it was too fuzzy. So he took it back...."
In these activities, the teacher reads the books to students as students follow along and match a piece to each page. At the end of the stories, students will sequence the costumes in the order that the pets wore them.