"The Tiny Little Baby Bird" w-Wh Questions

"The Tiny Little Baby Bird" w-Wh Questions

This Spring Adapted Book, "The Tiny Little Baby Bird" is super-fun and interactive story that focuses on movements of spring critters. It also focuses basic comprehension skills and "wh" questions.

In this activity, a teacher or therapist reads the story, as students follow along and match a picture piece to each page. At the end of the story, students answer basic comprehension questions by choosing the correct answer piece that goes with each page. This book also includes bonus animal movement cards to use as a fun extension activity to get students moving.

Students working at an independent level can read and work through the book at a literacy center or independent work station.

Sample Text:

"In a tall, tall tree, on a day just like the rest,
A tiny, little, baby bird was scared to leave his nest.
"Hop!" said the grasshopper.
"Dive!" said the bee.
"Flutter!" said the butterfly and fluttered by the tree!"

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