Life Skills Sequencing Activities Bundle
These Life Skills Sequencing Activities include 5 Adapted Books, 5 accompanying worksheets, and 5 sets of visuals for task analysis. Each of the Adapted Books teaches a simple 5 or 6 sequence step life skill or daily living skill.
Adapted Books Included:
I Can Get Ready for School
I Can Pack My Lunch
I Can Wash My Hands
I Can Get Ready for Bed
I Can Cross the Street
The teacher or therapist reads book as students follow along, matching each step of the life cycle on each page. At the end of the book, students sequence the complete life cycle of the animal. Students working independently can work through the book at a literacy or science center. When they are done with the book, they can complete the corresponding cut and glue worksheet.
Sample Text:
I can get ready for school.
First I wake up.
Second, I get dressed
Third, I eat breakfast.
Next I brush my hair and teeth.
Then I put my shoes on.
Last I grab my backpack and walk out the door.
On the last page of each book, students practice sequencing the entire activity in order using interactive pieces.