Winter Themed Movement Book (And Cards!)

Winter Themed Movement Book (And Cards!)

These Winter Themed Movement Cards (And Book!) get your students moving and help them improve gross motor skills/ and motor planning skills, following directions skills and imitation skills.  

There are so many ways to use this book and associated cards. Use it during circle time, as a warm up activity, as a small group language activity, before or after transitions or a time filler activity that will keep your students' attention and let them get their "wiggles" out.

The teacher reads through the book and models movements as students imitate them. Students can also practice choosing a movement card and practicing each movement.

Excerpt of Text of Book Included:

"I can ski down a mountain,
on a cold and snowy day.

I can sled down a snow hill--
just don't get in my way!

I can skate at the ice rink.
I can glide across the ice!

I can twirl on my ice skates--
in spins so lovely and nice!..."
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