"A Kooky Kitty" Adapted Book And Activities
"A Kooky Kitty," focuses on the beginning K sound (and the core word, give) and serves as a review for students practicing the letter K sound.
This download includes:
1 adapted book
1 set of trace and write activities
1 set of word cards
1 Feed Kitty activity
5 worksheets for extra practice
In this silly adapted book, students are feeding one "kooky kitty," who likes to eat all kinds of THINGS that start with K. But Don't dare feed this kitty actual food (He only likes to eat THINGS that start with the letter K--he is pretty "kooky" after all.)
A teacher or therapist will read the story to students, as students follow along and give the kitty a new "K" thing on each page. At the end of the book, students will identify many objects that start with K.
Sample text:
Give a kooky kitty, kayaks.
Give a kooky kitty, keys.
Give a kooky kitty kettlebells--
and keyboards just like these.
Give a kooky kitty kangaroos,
kaleidoscopes and kings.
Give a kooky kitty, kitchenware--
and lots of other things!
(You get the idea)
Please see preview video for complete details.
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