"Ten At The Door": A Halloween Counting Adapted Book Set
This Halloween Counting Adapted Book And Activities, "Ten At The Door" is a fresh spin on the classic nursery rhyme, "Ten In The Bed." This adapted book and activities set focuses on counting, identifying numbers and number words and the core word, "more."
This download includes:
1 Adapted Book
1 Set of Number Sequencing Strips
1 Set of Counting Clip Cards
1 Set of "Which Has More?" Dry Erase/Clip Cards
3 Worksheets To Extend Learning
In this activity, the teacher or therapist reads the story to a small group of students, as students follow counting the kids at the door and matching a number and number word to each page. Students working at an independent level may read through the Halloween themed in a math or literacy center or an independent work station. There are several extension activities included for extra practice. (Please see photos and video for details.) Sample Text:
"Neath a crooked, crescent moon,
in a bold, black sky...
There was one at the door...
then more stopped by!
There were TEN at the door
and they all wanted MORE..
More sweets! "Trick or Treat!"
So she handed out a treat
and ONE walked away.
There were NINE at the door
and they all wanted MORE..
More sweets! "Trick or Treat!"
So she handed out a treat
and ONE walked away.