"The Pumpkin Life Cycle" Adapted Song Book

"The Pumpkin Life Cycle" Adapted Song Book

Teach your students to sing the pumpkin life cycle with this adapted song book.  Adapted song books teach common vocabulary through songs.

This adapted book, "The Pumpkin Life Cycle," is a fun and interactive way to introduce or review the pumpkin life cycle with your students.  This fall themed book focuses on pumpkin life cycle vocabulary words and is sung to the familiar tune, "London Bridge is Falling Down."

Sample Verse:

"Pumpkins grow orange, big and round,
 Big and round, big and round.
 Pumpkins grow orange, big and round,
 On the ground!

 The start off as a tiny seed,
 Tiny seed, tiny seed.
 They start off as a tiny seed,
 Yes, indeed!"

Students sing along and match the pictures to each page as the teacher or speech therapist moves through the book.  After the song is complete, students sequence the events of the pumpkin life cycle.
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